HomeBusinessHow Do You Perform Umrah? Step By Step Guide

How Do You Perform Umrah? Step By Step Guide

Umrah comprises four primary rituals. Before the Miqat, you must first shift into Ihram clothing. Then, you must carry out two Rakahs of Salah and make your Niyyah as the Miqat draws near. Finally, you must repeatedly recite the Talbiyah. You then conduct 2 Rakahs of Salah, ideally close to Maqam Ibrahim, after Tawaf al-Umrah of the Kaaba. You then do Sa’i of Safa and Marwah. To exit Ihram and finish your Umrah, you finally shave (Halq) or shorten (Taqsir) your hair. If you need some place to reside while performing Umrah then browse Umrah packages all inclusive.

Even though you can conduct this pilgrimage whenever you want outside of Hajj, you should travel with approved travel companies if you are an international traveller. Saudi and GCC nationals can perform Umrah without specific authorization. An example schedule is provided below, complete with side trips to further your comprehension of Islam and the necessary Umrah processes.

Day 1

  • Don Ihram
  • Undertake Tawaf and Say in the Holy Mosque.
  • Observe Taqseer and offer prayers at the Holy Mosque.

Day 2

  • Perform Hajj prayers at the Holy Mosque
  • Tour Mina, Muzdalifah, and Arafat 

Day 3

  • Visit Jannat Al Mu’alla, Jabal Al Nour, and also the Exhibition of Two Holy Mosques Architecture
  • Offer prayers at the Holy Mosque; (free tour in the evening)

Day 4

  • Re-perform the Day 1 Umrah procedures 
  • Go to Jabal Thawr

Day 5

  • Visit the Holy Mosque to pray, seek presents and mementoes, and dine at a top Makkah restaurant.

Day 6

  • Tour Taif or Jeddah
  • Offer prayers at the Holy Mosque

Day 7

  • Say Tawaf (good-bye prayer) in the Holy Mosque

Approaching Makah

Continue to recite the Talbiyah, perform Dhikr, and send Salawat upon the Prophet as you approach the boundaries of the Haram. While going to Masjid al-Haram to conduct Tawaf al-Umrah, you might want to freshen things up or take a break after arriving at your Makkah lodging. Make sure you avoid using any products which are forbidden in the region of Ihram, such as scented soap or shampoo if you wish to take a shower. It is advise that you show up there as quickly as possible at Masjid al-Haram. Before going to Masjid al-Haram to undertake Tawaf al-Umrah, you may wish to freshen things up or take a break after arriving at your Makkah lodging.

Make sure you avoid using any products which are forbidden in the state of Ihram, such as scented soap or shampoo if you wish to take a shower. It is advised that you show up there as quickly as possible at Masjid al-Haram. Choose which one of your possessions you wish to take with you when you’re prepared, keeping in mind that there are burglars who work inside the mosque.

A First Look at the Kaaba

Keep your eyes down until you approach the Mataf area, the open field where Tawaf is performe, after approaching the mosque. If you are prepared, lift your eyes to the beatific image of the Holy Kaaba with modesty, wonder, and devotion.

Giving the Hajar al-Aswad a kiss, touch, or salute (Istilam)

  • Kissing: When you go to the Hajar al-Aswad, put your hands on it, enclose your face in your hands, and gently kiss it while uttering the phrase “bismi llahi wallahu akbar” ( ). According to some academics, if you have the possibility, it is better to give it 3 kisses.
  • Touching: If you can’t kiss it but are within kissing distance, touch it with your hand(s) & give it a kiss (s).
  • Saluting – Conduct a symbolic Istilam from a distance by addressing the Hajar al-Aswad and lifting your hands to your earlobes if you are unable to approach the stone, as is usually the situation (as you would do when starting Salah). Say “bismi llahi wallahu akbar” while making sure your palms are facing the Hajar al-Aswad as if your hands and face are touching it. If you like, you can kiss your palms.

Final Words

You can now remove your Ihram constraints and put on your ordinary clothes. You should travel to the Haram’s perimeter if you intend to conduct another Umrah so that you can re-enter Ihram. The majority of travellers opt to take Ihram in Masjid Aisha because it is closer and more accessible than Masjid al-Haram. Around the mosque, there are transportation options.

Read More On: magmystery.com



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